Chart Calendar

Chart Calendar – Keep Track Of Your Notes, Numbers and Pictures Using Calendar
Chart Calendar is an easy-to-use and powerful app that helps you take notes, record numbers and pictures on a calendar. Improve productivity, keep track of your data and stay organized.

✓ Take pictures and place them on a calendar.
✓ Create notes and plot your data on the calendar.

✓ Enter numbers using no keyboard.
✓ Plot graphs and explore your data.
✓ Display data in a table and calculate statistics.
✓ Save your data in a CSV text based format file.
✓ Sync files to your computer via iTunes.

✓ Email notes and data file for backup and storage.
✓ Store the date in iCloud.

✓ Go offline anytime – no internet required!

Some ways to use Chart Calendar for your personal and professional life:

* Keep track and explore your health in pictures and numbers.
* Record your fitness achievements using numbers, plots and photos.
* Manage and record your medication and diet numbers.
* Add recipes and related pictures for each day.
* Store and explore product prices with pictures for comparison shopping.
* Keep track of your finances: record how much you spend in each category.
* Take meeting and class notes and capture ideas.
* Research smarter: snap photos of whiteboards and diagrams.
* Reduce paper clutter: take snapshots of receipts, restaurant menus etc.