JFLVPlayer (Application)

psydex » , , , ,

System requirements:
1. J2me Support (required)
2. JSR75 support (required, otherwise program will not start)
3. memory "Heap" at least 3Mb (otherwise the information on file will not see anything)
4. FLV support - NOT REQUIRED! (the program opens the file using its own codecs)
5. MP3 support - required for a proper playback

The program supports the following formats:
Screen video - yes (if the memory allows it)
Screen video2 - no
Sorenson H.263 - yes (if the memory allows it)
On2 vp6 - no
On2 vp6 (alpha) - no
AVC - no

Linear PCM - no
ADPCM - no
Nellymoser - no
G.711 - no
AAC - no
Speex - no
MP3 - yes (if supported by the phone)